Monday, March 2, 2009

Hacktivism: Hackers learn how to act both socially and politically. is a very interesting site that offers many different links to different hacktivist sites on the web. As a forum, it allows people to post comments and blogs on different aspects of hacktivism and the challenges that hacktivists pursue in the present and in the future. There is a comment section where anyone can post their ideas and concerns with respect to hacktivism online. The terms and conditions of the site are clearly illustrated in the 'about us' section, and the site welcomes any online individual who wants to explore hacktivism in terms of politics and society. In the 'comrades' section of the site, different hacktivist hyperlinks are listed and you can access their sites by clicking on their hyperlink. I think that the people who frequently visit this site do share similar beliefs in the idea that hacktivism can develop social awareness and possible political change. I definitely got a sense of the community that the site offers simply by reading the mission statement at the top of the page and skimming the comment section.
I think that hacktivism can definitely increase the awareness of the public by revealing information about mainstream capitalist corporations that is meant to be hidden from the public. People should be informed about large corporations and how they exploit the public and deceive use with their advertisements and information that is sometimes false. Hacktivists exploit the negative side of capitalist corporations and give the public a more realistic depiction of how these large corporations affect our society. Agreed?

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